Mini Wind Turbine Activity
Design a turbine to harness the power of the wind and convert it into electricity. Start with your example build, testing through inquiry and experimentation. Then, iterate new designs and additions to transform the wind turbine into your own unique design.
Create the blades utilizing recycling bin materials. Adjust the angle, pitch and amount of blades to observe the electrical output of your wind turbine. We included plenty of extra components to try different designs.
Scroll down to "Things You'll Need" for more info.
Get the Mini Wind Turbine Test Kit for best results.
Scroll down to "Things You'll Need" for more info.
Age Range
Customize this activity for the highlighted ages with tons of free labs and challenges!
This is an educational product and not a toy. Adult supervision is required.
Click on the flowchart to view documents from each category.
Go Guide:
Give it to your students and go! This is the essential document to get students started with their Mini Wind Turbines.
Go Guide: English: PDF DOCX Spanish: PDF DOCX |
Start here, build your Turbine, and start the Voltage Challenge! |
Blade Design Lab: English: PDF DOCX Spanish: PDF DOCX |
Create an experiment to investigate the variables that affect turbine blade design, then use the results to build a better wind turbine! Ages 8+. |
Design your turbine to generate the greatest voltage, turn into the wind, or be more environmentally friendly! See the Go Guide documents for challenge instructions.
Voltage Challenge & More: PDF DOCX |
Challenge instructions are included in the Go Guide document. |
Engineering Notebooks: Simple Version Full Version |
Available at two different learning levels, TeacherGeek Engineering Notebooks are designed to help students cycle through the Design & Engineering Process and help them innovate and invent new designs. Use an Engineering Notebook page for each iteration of design. We recommend keeping extra copies of this on-hand for kids during activities. |
Other Resources:
STEM Rubric: PDF | DOCX |
Use the STEM Rubric to assess any TeacherGeek project. |
STEAM Market-It Challenge: PDF DOCX |
Add the STEAM Market-It Challenge to any completed TeacherGeek activity to teach students how to turn their TeacherGeek design into a retail product. Students will learn the 4 'Ps' of marketing - Product, Placement, Price and Promotion. Students have the option of completing a commercial, a billboard or retail packaging as a summative assessment. |
Engineering Notebooks: Simple Version Full Version |
Available at two different learning levels, TeacherGeek Engineering Notebooks are designed to help students cycle through the Design & Engineering Process and help them innovate and invent new designs. Use an Engineering Notebook page for each iteration of design. We recommend keeping extra copies of this on-hand for kids during activities. |
Things You'll Need
You're going to need some stuff, but don't sweat it! You probably have it already.
Click a tab below to choose how you will complete this activity - that determines what you'll need.

You're in the right tab!
TeacherGeek Tools
Screw Driver
Drive screws into holes.
Slip Joint Pliers
Grab nuts, bend
wires, etc.
Cut dowels, strips,
recycling bin items, etc.
Ream splines (teeth),
from holes so
dowels spin freely.
Mini Hammer
Tap dowels into
other components.
Other Supplies
- Fan (to create wind)
- Digital Multimeter (to measure generator voltage)
- 4x Alligator Clip Leads (optional - to make connecting the meter easier)
- 2.7 Ohm Resitor (optional - to smooth voltage data)
- Tape
- Recycling Bin Materials (for more creative turbine blades)
- Scissors
Get the Multimeter, Alligator Clip Leads, and Resistors in the Mini Wind Turbine Test Kit!
You're in the right tab!
You will need to pre-cut the dowels for this activity, or your kids can cut them (with adult supervision).
TeacherGeek Tools
Screw Driver
Drive screws into holes.
Slip Joint Pliers
Grab nuts, bend
wires, etc.
Cut dowels, strips,
recycling bin items, etc.
Ream splines (teeth),
from holes so
dowels spin freely.
Mini Hammer
Tap dowels into
other components.
Other Supplies
- Fan (to create wind)
- 2.7 Ohm Resitor (optional - to smooth voltage data)
- Tape
- Recycling Bin Materials (for more creative turbine blades)
You're in the right tab!
Make sure you have the right components - check the Go Guide (see above).
You will need to pre-cut the dowels for this activity, or your kids can cut them (with adult supervision).
TeacherGeek Tools
Screw Driver
Drive screws into holes.
Slip Joint Pliers
Grab nuts, bend
wires, etc.
Cut dowels, strips,
recycling bin items, etc.
Ream splines (teeth),
from holes so
dowels spin freely.
Mini Hammer
Tap dowels into
other components.
Other Supplies
- Fan (to create wind)
- Digital Multimeter (to measure generator voltage)
- 4x Alligator Clip Leads (optional - to make connecting the meter easier)
- 2.7 Ohm Resitor (optional - to smooth voltage data)
- Tape
- Recycling Bin Materials (for more creative turbine blades)
- Scissors
Activity Pack Components
What comes with the Mini Wind Turbine?
The table shows what comes in each single kit. To see what comes in a 10-pack, just multiply by 10.Science, Math & Engineering Standards
TeacherGeek products fit proposals, grants or lesson plans with ease! Explore more resources below:
NGSS Standards Spreadsheet: PDF DOCX |
NGSS standards matrix for all TeacherGeek activities. |
ITEEA Standards Spreadsheet: PDF DOCX |
ITEEA standards matrix for all TeacherGeek activities. |