Mixed Pulley Set
These are not your average project pulleys. Before TeacherGeek, pulleys were often too expensive, too small or required hot glue (ow!) to attach to shafts. Movement was rigid, and the lines of kids with singed fingers in the nurse’s office felt unending. TeacherGeek project pulleys are a class onto their own.
NGSS Standards Download - PDF
NGSS Standards Spreadsheet - Editable /Searchable Excel Sheet
International Technology & Engineering Educators' Association Standards
ITEEA Standards Download - PDF
ITEEA Standards Spreadsheet - Editable/Searchable Excel Sheet
Featuring splined holes to push and rotate with a dowel shaft, and notches to conveniently secure all sorts of belts (rubber bands, string or wire), easily evolve designs and expand experiments (no hot glue necessary). They transfer impressive amounts of power, while remaining simple enough for elementary use. Whether in our tinker set or as part of a larger STEM, science fair or engineering project, TeacherGeek pulleys are the preferred choice.
Pulley colors may vary.
This 40-Pack contains ten of the following sizes: 70mm, 55.5mm, 25.5mm, 9mm
This 4-Pack contains one of the following sizes: 70mm, 55.5mm, 25.5mm, 9mm
Colors May Vary
Science, Math & Engineering Standards
TeacherGeek products fit proposals, grants or lesson plans with ease! Explore more resources below:
Next Generation Science StandardsNGSS Standards Download - PDF
NGSS Standards Spreadsheet - Editable /Searchable Excel Sheet
International Technology & Engineering Educators' Association Standards
ITEEA Standards Download - PDF
ITEEA Standards Spreadsheet - Editable/Searchable Excel Sheet